Bird watching in Lemnos
The natural habitat of the island of Lemnos has the particularity of contrasts, since vast crops of grain, vineyards, fruit and vegetables succeed areas of phrygana vegetation where the main species are thorny burnet -Sarcopoterium spinosum, thyme -Thymus vulgaris and rockrose -Cistus incanus, whereas in some places one can see woodlands of holm oaks -Quercus coccifera (Agios Dimitrios) and oak trees –Quercus macrolepis ssp. Ithaburensis (Repanidi/ Kontopouli). This puzzle of habitats is completed by a cluster of wetlands (Aliki/ Asprolimni/ Chortarolimni) and some smaller wetlands (Diapori/ Thanos/ Moudros/ Platy etc.) which are home to a large number of wild bird species mainly during the months of their migration. The predominant species of the mammals is the European rabbit -Oryctolagus cuniculus. The natural habitat of the island can offer visitors, depending on their disposition as well as the season, easily accessible environmental destinations where they can discover species of native flora (e.g. orchid), find themselves in places with unusual, yet impressive geological formations with great ecological and aesthetic value (Falakro/ Gomati), observe (bird watching) astounding and rare protected bird species or explore areas with petrified forests (Moudros/ Varos/ Romanou etc.).
Bird watching Areas – Stations
On the map we suggest some routes where visitors can observe birds, although several species (depending on the season) appear in the vicinity of the villages. Some of the species that can be seen are the following:
Greek | Latin | English |
λευκοτσικνιά | Egretta garzetta | little egret |
αργυροτσικνιά | Egretta alba | great egret |
σταχτοτσικνιά | Ardea cinerea | grey heron |
αλκυόνες | Alcedo atthis | common kingfisher |
καστανόπαπιες | Tadorna ferruginea | ruddy shelduck |
βαρβάρες | Tadorna tadorna | common shelduck |
καλαμοκανάδες | Himantopus himantopus | black-winged stilt |
αβοκέτες | Recurvirostra avosetta | pied avocet |
καλαμόκιρκους | Circus aeruginosus | western marsh harrier |
ξεφτέρια | Accipiter nisus | Eurasian sparrowhawk |
μαυροπετρίτες | Falco eleonorae | Eleonora’s falcon |
μαυροκιρκίνεζο | Falco vespertinus | red-footed falcon |
κιρνινέζι | Falco naumanni | lesser kestrel |
μικρή κουκουβάγια | Athene noctua | little owl |
τυτώ | Tyto alba | barn owl |
γκιώνης | Otus scops | Eurasian scops owl |
πέρδικα | Alectoris chukar | chukar partridge |
κούκος | Cuculus canorus | common cuckoo |
χαλκοκουρούνα | Coracias garrulus | European roller |
τσαλαπετεινός | Upupa epops | Hoopoe |
κουφαηδόνι | Cercotrichas galactotes | rufous-tailed scrub robin |
αηδόνι | Luscinia megarhynchos | common nightingale |
ασπροκωλίνα | Oenanthe hispanica | black-eared wheatear |
γαλαζοκότσυφας | Monticola solitarius | blue rock thrush |
συκοφάγος | Oriolus oriolus | Eurasian golden oriole |
σκαρθάκι | Serinus serinus | European serin |
φλώρος | Chloris chloris | European greenfinch |
καρδερίνα | Carduelis carduelis | European goldfinch |
φανέτο | Carduelis cannabina | common linnet |
φρυγανοτσίχλονο | Emberiza caesia | Cretzschmar’s bunting |
σιρλοτσίχλονο | Emberiza cirlus | cirl bunting |
τσιφτάς | Emberiza calandra | corn bunting |
έφιος | Dolichophis caspius | Caspian whipsnake |
νερόφιδο | Natrix natrix | grass snake |
σαΐτα | Platyceps najadum | Dahl’s whip snake |
έρυξ | Eryx jaculus | Javelin sand boa |
τυφλίτη | Pseudopus apodus | European legless lizard |
σαπίτης | Malpolon insignitus | Eastern Montpellier Snake |
See the List of birds in Lemnos
Finally, as far as the reptiles are concerned, one can encounter various snake species (table), which are harmless to humans.
The combination of areas with particular ecological value, gentle slopes, low altitudes and the rich rural road network enable visitors to escape and discover the natural wealth of Lemnos.
Route 1 (Platy–Thanos–Diapori–Fakos)
Route 2 (Varos–Lychna–Moudros)
Route 3 (Chortarolimni–Asprolimni–Aliki)
Route 4 (Agios Alexandros–Neftina)
Point 1 (Old Cathedral property, small wetland)